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Midnight Milkbar
Welcome to the Midnight Milkbar! We have a variety of tasty milkshakes for you to try, which will have you coming back for s'more! We're a server for a community of people who just want to chat about whatever, from video games to art to music to why the universe exists and when we're all going to eventually get swallowed up by the fiery ball we call the sun. But basically we're here just to have fun!

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Welcome to the Midnight Milkbar! We have a variety of tasty milkshakes for you to try, which will have you coming back for s'more! We're a server for a community of people who just want to chat about whatever, from video games to art to music to why the universe exists and when we're all going to eventually get swallowed up by the fiery ball we call the sun. But basically we're here just to have fun!

last bump - more than one week ago
Emojis & Info
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