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╚»★«╝ Delιorα ╚»★«╝
╔═════.ლ ? ლ.═════╗ ??????? ╚═════.ლ ? ლ═════╝ ```diff -Come join us, you wicked people ``` ```xl 'Why should you join us?' ``` ```asciidoc = We are hosting Nitro Giveaways = = We have really good security protection = = We are hosting lot‘s of events = = And we are really chill and non toxic community = = Fast growing, currently at 1k members = ``` ```fix »»--INFORMATION --«« ``` __**Owners**__:<@354627995807252480> <@592695004279996426> __**Non-expired link**__ : | __**Server Banner**__ : __ **Back-up server link**__ :

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-Come join us, you wicked people
'Why should you join us?'
= We are hosting Nitro Giveaways =
= We have really good security protection =
= We are hosting lot‘s of events =
= And we are really chill and non toxic community =
= Fast growing, currently at 1k members =
__**Owners**__:<@354627995807252480> <@592695004279996426>
__**Non-expired link**__ : | __**Server Banner**__ : __
**Back-up server link**__ :

last bump - more than one week ago
Emojis & Info
D_bearno D_beartnx D_Bearflowers D_bearsweat D_bearnight1 D_Bearill D_bearblowingkiss D_bearangry D_bearshrug D_bearstrawberry D_Bearhug D_bearkiss1 D_Bearok D_bearinlove D_bearnight D_bearhand D_bearheart D_wave D_pings D_bearsip1 D_bearquestion D_CUTIE D_bearlay D_bearsign D_Love1 D_Love D_bearsleep D_bearkiss D_catpat D_beartada1 D_bearwhat D_foodcoma D_bearwoah D_bearhuggo D_bearthink D_bearnote D_beartada D_bearsip D_bearlove D_bearpeek D_Bearangel D_bearinlove D_bearlonely D_bearchill D_bearhug D_HEARTS D_ping D_Bearcute D_bruh D_THUMBSUP D_ANGRY D_KISS D_MAD D_ATTENTION D_SORRY D_FIRE D_RUN D_SPIT D_HUG D_LAUGH D_COUPLES D_poke D_cutekiss D_PAT D_CRYHUG D_ATTENTION D_LOVEHUG D_Falls D_intencecry D_surprisely D_pinch D_Laugh D_iloveu D_Tired D_awww D_music D_messin D_inlove D_cry D_couplehug D_beardance D_PepeLaugh D_Yikes D_GunOkay D_CmonBruh D_PandaDevil D_Nu D_hugs D_Peppe69 D_patpat D_BearYes D_Shy D_BearCheer D_BearCute D_BearThink D_BearCry emoji_97 emoji_98 D_Flame D_DoubleDab D_PepeSadLife D_PepeCry D_PepeCross D_DrakeLaugh D_PepeSuicide D_WeSmart D_MonkasThink D_Hearto D_KirbyPopCorn emoji_110 JSquad
Server created: 2018-09-10
Discord Region: EU-CENTRAL


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