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Virtuoso Guitarristas
VG is a new Discord community for music enthusiasts! Whether you simply love listening to music, are an aspiring artist, musician or producer. VG is the perfect place to socialize and share all things music. Share your favorite tracks, music you have created, latest chart-toppers, discuss the newest album releases, classic hits, your favorite artists, exchange song recommendations, collaborate on musical projects or simply just hang out. We aim to create a space where music lovers can unite.

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VG is a new Discord community for music enthusiasts! Whether you simply love listening to music, are an aspiring artist, musician or producer. VG is the perfect place to socialize and share all things music. Share your favorite tracks, music you have created, latest chart-toppers, discuss the newest album releases, classic hits, your favorite artists, exchange song recommendations, collaborate on musical projects or simply just hang out. We aim to create a space where music lovers can unite.

last bump - more than one week ago
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