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Server List // Results for "STARTUP"
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Votes: 201
money doesn't grow on trees... advertisement, job promotions, employment, projects collaboration and much more

bumped 11 hour(s) ago | 0

Votes: 0
Furlough Community
A community of entrepreneurs, startup founders, ecommerce managers and marketing professionals collaborating for growth. We host over 30+ events every month. Our server is the most active business community and has the most active voice channels on Discord!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
DesignCribs Marketing Accelerator
Welcome to DesignCribs Marketing Accelerator—your premier Discord community for startups and businesses aiming to supercharge their marketing efforts. Connect, learn, and grow with access to expert advice, and community members.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
We are building a community of like minded individuals who are interested in early-stage startups & angel investing. On this server, you’ll get an inside scoop on the latest investment trends and which startup investments are worth your money: 📢 You will be updated on new campaigns on our platform and their progress. 🗣️ You can also chat with other server members, as long as you don’t violate any laid-down rules. You’re always free to share content with members on the general channel & re

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
The grand Lodge
The Grand Lodge is a newly started westmarches server using the pathfinder first edition ruleset. We'll be running quests, both with and without adult content, as well as that we have a large city for social role play. We're currently in the startup fase, so if you join now you can help influence the direction of the game,

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Hawex DAO
Hawex is creating the fastest and most convenient next-generation banking service. On this server we will cover key events from the world of finance, interesting startups, play RPG games and showcase useful analytics, and tell how exactly Hawex will change the face of the fintech industry.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
HODLers ✊
Welcome to the Hodlers Community ✊ Enjoy your new place! Hodlers aggregates all the crypto market events. You're able to profit from: minting tokens, NFTs, airdrops, giveaways, bounties, startups and more. Find prospective events and projects before anyone else.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Parsers Venture Capital
Community Parsers Venture Capital. Discussion of the venture capital market. - search for investments, - startup pitches, - events, - hiring, - news and milestones, - funding rounds.

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
Coworking Campus
Digitaler Coworking Space für Startup Gründer, Jungunternehmer und Freiberufler. * Qualität > Quantität / ist hier das Motto * Sprache & Video > Text / Der Fokus liegt auf Coworking * Nur Leute 18+ oder erwachsenes und seriöses Verhalten Zwei Stufen System: 1. Nichtmitglieder können den öffentlichen Coworking-Raum verwenden und die Text-Chats lesen. 2. Vollmitglieder können sich auf dem Server frei bewegen. Für die Freischaltung zum Vollmitglied müssen 3 Punkte erledigt werden. 1. + Gib dir R

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Upshyft-Web3 Ninja
India's one of the first web3 servers which is focused on providing best resources and build an active community looking for starting or switching their careers to web3 or just some learning enthusiast who are interested in web3. We also have some cool jobs with some of the best startups in India.

bumped more than one week ago | 0