╋━━⏳◥◣Welcome◢◤⏳━━╋ >> Instagram @thewolfrinfox please folower me or i yeet the u ————————•○°<☆>°○•———————— 》Come on joining the server please TwT 〕Welcome to Countryhumans : The Clock of War (and CH World) 〕If you want to be a country member, please make this template first: if you guys finnish make this, the Admin will give you a new role it called "(Role)@?Country Members " and give a rection like this ? symbols. 〕No raid,no spam,no bully,no say "f word" or something,no nsfw,and no cheat 〕 coming soon.... (idk ;w;) =================================== ╋━━━◥◣ Enjoy! ◢◤━━━╋