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Novo-vytvorený česko-slovenský Discord server zameraný primárne na spoofovanie Pokémon GO. Máme na serveri súradnice na najlepšie spawny pokémonov z celého sveta a taktiež na raidy v Pokémon GO, návody na spoofovanie, vieš si jednoducho pozrieť všetkých pokémonov okolo teba, vytvárať, zorganizovať a dohľadávať trady a aj raidy, nájdeš rôzne informácie alebo aj mini hry.
Gachyiland is an apex point in time and space in which inhabitants from different universes have randomly materialized due to an anomaly known as the Gachapon machines. It has been reported from current residents of the Gachyiland Universe that a machine-like entity suddenly materialized within their universe which produced empty circular domes which had captured them and various landmarks. Those domes went back inside the machine when someone was captured. When the residents woke up, they found themselves outside their dome but in a new universe known as Gachyiland. Each resident has reported a different looking Gachapon machine.