This is a geometry dash server that contains feedback channels for both gameplay and deco, we have several chat box's to talk about anything and make friends. There is a section for other games that are open to suggestion for some to add. This is a friendly community and I hope to see people join. Have a good day and consider jumping in
Age of Empires2 Community, games and help. We host regular Diplo and community games. Lots of AoE2 help and chats. EVERYONE is Welcome to join and chat or just hang out and look through our different channels or watch the casting/ streams of our games. We hope to build this community so more people who love aoe like us can join in with regular community games and have a place to chat and hang out with other aoe fans.
• 🇧🇷 A Illuminapse é uma comunidade focada ao fomento à educação, incentivo científico, troca de conhecimentos, grupo de hábitos literários, grupo de estudos para Enem, vestibulares, concurso público, olimpíadas científica, trocas de questões, motivações, conselhos, frases inspiradora de autoria forte, resiliência cognitiva, conselhos de aprendizagem, dica de estudos, intercâmbio, linguagem estrangeira e um ótimo bate-papo para todos que fomenta a educação Brasileira.
hello there! this is an ED based server with pink theme and cute emojis! there will be upcoming challenges when more ppl join too <3 why not join us🦴❕💗
Let's take a test. Is one of your parents missing? Have you even done weird stuff that you can't explain? Was there a suspicious guy watching and keeping an eye on you? If you answered most of the questions with yes, I have bad news for you. You are a demigod! One of your parents is a greek god, you have cool powers and there is probably a satyr watching you right now! Welcome to Camp Half Blood, a place for demigods that ensures their safety and well being!
Stream Nation is a fast-growing & active community server with members from all around the world to promote your content, whether you're a Streamer, Graphic Designer, Video Maker, or something else! We are the community for you! We are a dedicated server to help everyone achieve their goals and get themselves noticed among many others. Meet new people and make new friends! ⭐ We are the most popular Discord Server for promoting your content, growing rapidly every day! 🚨 We hold Stream Raids
LegacyMC Discord Server is designed for an active community and minecraft players. Our server is constantly developing and increasing its popularity. We warmly invite you!
heya! im angel & i wanna to have some fun with you ;) - curvy 23 yo aussie with big titties - high-quality pics and vids - fetish friendly - SWF & NSFW services
╠═════════◈THE ASYLUM◈═════════╣ halo para sobat diluar sana, ayo gabung server THE ASYLUM. server ini bertujuan mengumpulkan orang orang yang bisa diajak bincang dan berteman ada banyak topik yang bisa kalian dapatkan disini seperti: anime,tokusatsu,dan masih banyak lagi dan ditambah lagi disini memiliki banyak keseruan ayo join servernya dan ramaikan bersama dan para membernya juga selalu bisa diajak bercanda ayo gabung dan jadi teman kami