**Have you got a server or you want new friends in your social networks? Well,join Thunder Advertising** **ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιι** ```•Advertise your servers •Advertise your social network •25+ channels to advertise •Chat •Meet new people •New Roles by leveling up •Super cool staff •Partnerships •Giveaways``` **ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιllιlı.ιι** **We got a list of advertising websites. All for free!** *Vote for us,we will appreciate it* http://www.discordy.com/server.php?id=19 **Everyone is welcome. Feel free to invite your friends and start advertising!** **Server Link**: https://discord.gg/CWcF6pn **Banner**: https://ibb.co/j8CrTe
This server is focused on cars and automotive things. It’s a fun place to chat with fellow enthusiasts, and maybe even make a few friends. We have: - (Almost) Daily automotive news, recall alerts, and automatic webhooks for some of the best automotive youtubers - A counting channel (We’re up to 22,000 right now!) - Channels to share pictures and talk about your cars! - Channels for car-spotting - Competitions! - And memes. Join Now!
You can learn how to build a bot on our Discord server. As an extra Javascript commands on our server Html websites and Xenforo forum software, plug-ins are available. JOIN US
Le serveur ALOHA est un serveur communautaire qui vous rassemble pour passer de bons moment autant en vocal qu’à l’écrit. Nous vous proposons des salons vocaux qui permettent de faire des appel vidéos (Webcam) ou de diffuser vôtre écran (Screenshare) Pour faire partie de notre Staff il faut que vous apportiez de l’activité au serveur et invitiez des membres afin d’agrandir notre communauté. - Des salons textuels classique - Des salons vocaux détente - Une bonne ambiance assurée Des concours
Modtale.com ist das deutsche #1 Hytale Netzwerk ⭐ Eigene Webseite: https://modtale.com ? Ein eigenes Forum ? Finde neue Freunde ? viel Hytale Emotes ? Gamingcode Giveaways ? Freundliche Community ? über 10000 Mitglieder ⭐ Hoher bekanntheitsgrad ⬆️ Rollen- und Levelsystem ? Events in unserem Forum ⚖️ Aktive Admins und Owner ? Möglichkeiten für Kritik ? leichtes Bewerbungssystem ⚔️ Tuniere mit vielen Preisen ? Nettes und Respektvolles Team
Project A-Gen will generate alt accounts such as spotify for you for free! Our bot is yet still in development!This is our support server and you can invite the bot to your own server from our link. Our bot uses a command cooldown time to prevent overloading, bot-abuse, etc. You could also buy a premium account, wich will lower the cooldown time! Also our website will be done soon and will also contain a web-based generator.
this is a server is for general discussions about anything, we don't judge! we won't babysit anyone or kick/ban/mute you for being toxic so get in there and do wtf you want! bots: mee6 (premium), pokecord, dankmemer, notsobot, shinonbu (a nadeko clons with more commands), giveawaybot, simple poll, rythm, rythm 2, dyno, color-chan, and we have a crunchyroll webhook feel free to recommend bots!!