Join here to find new people to play gta 5, or just to chat about games in general.You have any questions or wanna partner? Join in then! This is a ps4 only server.
WISE Community è una comunità videoludica online. Nasce nel 2017, fondata da Snitch. Ad oggi vanta un server TeamSpeak3 nel quale ospita, oltre il suo partner SoloDaVivere, tutti gli utenti in cerca di uno spazio.
Join Illumeownati and become the part of meow world's order plan on internet! A diverse environment for you to chitchat in and meet new people, to talk on any subjects varying from leisure and entertainment and up to politics, science and serious ongoing issues! What are you waiting for? Join us now and have a purrfect online meowments with us! Requirement needed : have a face profile picture (don't like anonymous trolls and it is easier to remember people with face pic)
UnderQuest A DnD game where over 100 players can join, create a character and live out the life of a person trapped in the virtual world, inspired by anime like Log Horizon, Overlord, and Sword Art Online. We hope you join and enjoy the time spent with the teams!
UnderQuest A DnD game where over 100 players can join, create a character and live out the life of a person trapped in the virtual world, inspired by anime like Log Horizon, Overlord, and Sword Art Online. We hope you join and enjoy the time spent with the teams!
We are a former Cyberathlete Amateur League (CAL) Main gaming team, competitive tournament team specializing in counter-strike competitions. The Durty Underpants Team was founded by Potter (Tim W.) in summer of 2001; from an internet café called iConnect Zone in Chicago IL. Now we normally run daily pick-up games, scrims and competitive match; mostly at night. The Cyberathlete Amateur League (CAL) was one of the largest online gaming leagues in North America with 20,000 teams and over 600,000