ღ(¯◕‿◕) "Nach dem Vorspiel kommt die Nachsorge." Wenn es beim S*x mal mit sehr viel Folter, klapsern, Schmerz und Qualen zuging, ist es wichtig, sich danach wohltuend und Liebevoll um seinen Partner zu sorgen! Wir sind primär ein 18+ DDLG Server, inklusive vieler anderer Branchen von BDSM! (◕‿◕¯)ღ ÜBER UNS, WIR BIETEN: ♡ DDLG/CGL, Petplay, BDSM, LGBTQ+ uvm.! ♡ Liebe Community, Respekt & Verständnis sowie Voice-Chat Aktivität ♡ Nudes, Teases, Selfies! ♡ Verifikations-Vorteile! ♡ uvm!
Lovely drama free server, everyone 18+ is welcomed! (Approximate age of the server: 21 to 33). English server with 5 special channels fully in Spanish to practice it. 43+ channels with different topics such as science, anime, fandom, sports, cars, fitness,etc, 14+ bots and 242 roles for you to pick all you'd like! Friendly and fair administration. Anti-spam/anti-raid system activated 24/7. Brief interview in the lobby for a better security of the community on who joins. Quality > Quantity. ♡
Our Discord offers small, medium and bulk premium quality U.K. & U.S.A. Nike SNKRS accounts and community chat support. Don`t miss out on copping your favorite sneakers ever again and join our server today on the link below for more information.
e·ter·nal /əˈtərn(ə)l/ adjective lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning. um·bra /ˈəmbrə/ noun shadow or darkness. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ◈ Warrior Cats: Eternal Umbra ◈ Warrior Cats: Eternal Umbra is a fan-made server based loosely on the Erin Hunter Warriors series. We are a semi-lit to lit server, focusing heavily on developing the overarching plot. Our goal is to make WC:EU an interactive and fun roleplay for newcomers and experts alike.
Hi, welcome to New Horizons! We are an academia-based server that focuses on the topic of space and all the fields that contribute to our understanding of it! Come explore our little corner of the galaxy!
Come Join Enmity Empire! ? - Home of the PG3D Clan Enmity ? - Free Advertisement To Help Your Server Grow ? - Fun Games and Events to Win Roles From ? - Active and Fair staff, here for the best user experience ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Our link: https://discord.gg/ZnhY7eN
Hej! Jesteś ze środowiska LGBT lub je wspierasz? To dobrze trafiłeś, jesteśmy małym przytulnym serwerem więc czuj się zaproszony! Posiadamy zero zasad, znikomą moderację ale za to dużo miłości i tolerancji <3