Looking for a group of friendly people to chat with? We've got you covered! Our server is new, friendly, chill, and open towards anyone who's interested in joining! If you're interested in helping us grow and get started as a developing Discord community, why not join today! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Growing community • Plenty of personalized roles • Choose from any of 50 colors for your name • Friendly and accepting community • Laid-back • A boatload of memes and laughs • And much more in-store!
Hej! Jesteś ze środowiska LGBT lub je wspierasz? To dobrze trafiłeś, jesteśmy małym przytulnym serwerem więc czuj się zaproszony! Posiadamy zero zasad, znikomą moderację ale za to dużo miłości i tolerancji <3
an interdimesnional purgatory made for curious people, governed by idea of stabbing one another with a makeshift weapon and building a self sustaining and growing community in hard conditions of an infinitely large forest with a swamp as a center. dedicated topic for creating your own channel and themed roles no rules outside of US legality and discord terms and conditions
We're a chill community, we accept everything. I don't care if you're a furry, a weeb, or an epic oppressed gamer. We talk and stuff, social server my dude.
Hey! You like Minecraft? So do we! If you enjoy Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Factions or just Minecraft in general this server is the place for you! If you want to talk to people about what server you play on, what modes you like, or what you just built that you’re really proud of. We have channels for each and every one of those things, We have info channels in case you would like help in certain topics such as commands, crafting recipes and whatnot.
**Welcome to FurTech!** We are a fairly new furry community seeking new members from all over the world. We have channels for different topics such as art, cons, games, and technology. There are self-assignable roles and the Rythm Bot for listening to music. SFW only - You don’t have to worry about checking messages in public etc. Our server has a relaxed atmosphere and our staff are friendly. We‘re a tolerant and drama free community looking forward to a bright future - Be part of it, join today! :3