Do you own a Discord Server?

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Server List // Results for "CL"
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Votes: 0
Area 69™ ?
An alien themed chilling/gaming Discord server including an anti-bot (verify) system, self-assignable roles and custom emojis! Being both friendly and welcoming, you'll be greeted by several members after joining Area 69. Although the server is still fairly small, both text and voice chats are used actively!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
The Demon Ravenclaws
Hello Ladies And Gentlemen, My name is Renzor Obsidian! And, I am a alternative person! I love Video Games, Metalcore, And Anime! And, I am looking for people who are interested, in the same things i am! And, would love to join my community! This isnt really a gaming server! But, I do have a gaming channel! And, It would be highly appreciative if you came and support me on my gaming channel! Or my discord server! ◆MUST BE 21+ ◆LGBT FRIENDLY! ◆NON TOXIC & CURSE WORD SERVER! ◆MUST BE ALTERNATIVE! [EMO, PUNK, OR GOTHIC] ◆REGION/ USA ONLY!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Team Axyl
**Team Axyl** ~Recruiting Now~ *What We Are In Need Of* -We are looking for Competitive Players +Mainly EU (Region). +Montage is needed. +A clear mic. **-General members for the server.** +Must be active. (You are able to play with the team, and anyone else in the server). **-EU Players for Team Axyl.** +Must be skilled. +Must have a mic. +Must be **Active**. **-We also need content creators, and editors for videos. DM for more details.**

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 97
Yaoi Clubhouse
Server Owner: @Lucas 18+ yes Server Name: Yaoi Clubhouse Server Description: Welcome to Yaoi Clubhouse! We're a Yaoi Server that also has begun to focus on Yaoi Roleplay/NSFW Yaoi Roleplay. We also have lots of Yaoi-related galleries. We're a server that wants to have a nice community, chat, and play with bots. We hope that you'll join and chat with us as we continue to grow.~

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 29
? IPAP R6 Clan ?
? Hey, du suchst nach einem R6 Clan und liebst es mit anderen Leuten zu spielen? ✅ Dann ist der, IPAP R6 Clan genau das richtige für dich. ❗Wir basieren genau auf diesem Spiel: "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege" ? Sollte dich, dass schon ins Grübel gebracht haben, dann schau dir erstmal an, was wir dir zu bieten haben: ? Ein schönes und sauberen Serverdesign ? Reaction Roles ? Zwei 24/7 IloveRadio Bots(Deutschrap und Amirap) ? Neue Systeme, die noch kein anderer Deutschen Discord Server hat. ? Ein freundliches Team, was dir bei Fragen und Problemen hilft. ? Du möchtest wissen, wie deine Stats gerade sind? Kein Problem, für unseren Stats Bot ? Wir bieten dir Duo, Trio und Squad Talks, falls du mit deinen Freunden zocken willst. ? Einen Unterhaltungsbereich mit vielen Memes, Songs, Videos, Bildern und den besten Youtube Kommentaren, die es so gibt. Natürlich kannst auch du hier Sachen reinposten. ? Private Channels bei denen du komplette Rechte über dein eigenen Channel hast, und somit ist es nützlich, wenn du kein Bock hast auf Public Talk oder auf Begrenzten Talks. ? Ein Richtig leichtes Bewerbungssystem. ? Und vieles mehr... Was unser Ziel ist? ? Dich mit unserem Server glücklich zu machen. Wir hoffen dir hat unsere Vorstellung gefallen, wenn ja dann freuen wir uns schon auf unsere Zusammenarbeit. Mit Freundlichen Grüßen Dein IPAP Team

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 1
The European Anime Club
┎┈┈┈┈┈┈┈୨♡୧┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┒ ★ The European Anime Club ★ ┖┈┈┈┈┈┈┈୨♡୧┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┚ A Discord server for people that love Anime Come join us in our new server ╰┈─➤ Anime (duhh) ╰┈─➤ Friendly staff ╰┈─➤ Music ╰┈─➤ Sometimes we'll host giveaways ╰┈─➤ Events! ╰┈─➤ Every week we have changes! Stay Updated!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 3
₿ Claim free Bitcoins every 12 hours! ? BITCOIN GIVEAWAYS! ? Earn up to 1000 satoshi per hour! ₿ LIST OF MONEY MAKING CRYPTO SITES! ? INVITE PEOPLE TO EARN BITCOINS! This is a server where we will be airdropping and raining crypto currencies everyday! Including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, Doge, Bitcoin cash.. much more!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
???  SPO?KY ???????
The best discord community with active members. It's full of friendly people, male and female. Most people here are teenagers. This server includes: • Friendly staff • An active community • Self assignable roles • Self assignable colours • Useful bots • Partnerships available • Many channels (including NSFW)

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 6
Warden Gate
Established in 2019, Warden Gate is a multi-gaming clan that strives for success in hopes of becoming the very best. Together we strive to always uphold the clan values of Perseverance, Sportsmanship, & Fellowship. Sound inciting? Join today!

bumped more than one week ago | 0

Votes: 0
Web Developers & Friends
A friendly community of web developers who love to help. Topics include HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Node, and much more.

bumped more than one week ago | 0