This server is a chill, inclusive place for lgbtq+ folk to play gaymes together and make friends. This is a sfw server. The quantity of people is small, so you won't be overwhelmed.
OWOWO Bonjour à toi ! Au Navire Doré est une communauté francophone ayant pour but de relier plusieurs communautés et entourages d'amis. Tu peux nous rejoindre pour jouer à des jeux (Loup Garou,, Minecraft, Overwatch, COD, Bac en ligne.. etc.) et pour faire des rencontres. Nous faisons des événements régulièrement (avec quelques fois des petits prix à la clé). Nous avons aussi quelques canaux permettant de débattre et de capturer des pokémons. Nous t'attendons sur AND !
A Tabletop RPG Living World Campaign based on the system "Unknown Armies 2e". We're looking for Organizers and eventually players to bring this project to life.
A backupserver that has nothing you need or want , but you will be joining it anyway cause you are a fucking retard , so what are you waiting dipshit?Hop in and shitpost to your heart content for the low , low price with a limited offer of only 0.00 USD. Warranty is not included.
New server! Come join us on the Hentai Island! We have Hentai, porn, memes and casual chat channels. Donations are coming soon with exclusive content and channels as well! I hope you enjoy your stay on our cozy island c:
Hey You! Looking for a chill hangout server with a dating twist, well get your eyes open on this bad boy right here. Now I know, I know, it's another generic server right? Isn't that what you're thinking. Well let's make it clear, this isn't a generic server, this right here, is a server with a good ol' café, But cmon now, this isn't just some café with below average coffee, this is the Campfire Cafe! And we have some room just for a person like you!
The Aquarium is place for like minded folk to come together over a variety of subjects. Clear thought, reason, civility, and 'good vibes' are required to have a good time. You chose the subject, and most things are allowed. Including: politics, video games, philosophy, science, debates and more.
Welcome to Clash of Clans Server, Just join and Have Fun and get everything about this game/fun at one place. Thank You. Join Our Discord Server for Clash of Clans ?**Our server Features**? ?Daily Clash Of Clan News (Reddit+Twitter+YouTube) ?Base Layouts ?Recruit Members ?New and Advanced Global Chat ?Create Your Clan Channel ?Experience The Arcade Games ?Experience COC The Bots ?Level Up Your Rank ?Advertising Your Clan