Welcome to Jester Team Six. We are the newest unit that offers a chill milsim server for people who want a friendly community to play with military characteristics. For those that are wanting a more realistic military experience, you can apply for JSOC, Jester Special Operators Command. We go off US Army ranks and jobs, whether you want to be a rifleman, support, or specialist, or you can apply as a Staff Sergeant to become a Drill Instructor and teach the next generation of JTS Operators.
Welcome to the Republic of Romania (Minecraft Nation Roleplay)! Member of MRA Community. How about taking a personal walk through the realistic capital city, which is designed with all the features of modern life in mind. It respects the features of the infrastructure, there are people, cars, parking lots and many other places that should be in a modern city. You can make new friends, walk around the capital, buy a house, have a job or you can be a member of the government!
You must over 30 to join this server. This isn't a server for dating/hooking-up! We're here to discuss philosophy, personality typology, books (we have a book club you can join), & partake in weekly guided meditation. We have dedicated channels for: book club, philosophy (Alan Watts, Taoism, Buddhism, etc.), weekly guided meditation, personality typology, member-nominated movie night, interactive server games (D&D, CAH, Pokétwo, etc.), karaoke night, voice chat sessions, & etc. so come say hi!
Hello there, Are you looking for a place to help make your server better? Do you need a... Server manager & constructor Verified shillers Animators and logo designers Competent moderators Anything that can aid your server is right here. Make servers aid your server hospital. If you want to be up for hire, come and get verified as a worker. Note: all verified workers are tested and trusted. @everyone Come and connect with professionals...
it is a server where you can buy, sell & trade valorant, league of legends, darkorbit, fortnite and any other game's accounts with using GameCenter's suitable priced middleman service. also you dont have to use middleman service either, you can freely advertise your accounts there and you can advertise your service unless it is against to rules.
Čauu! Ráda bych ti představila Bababooey, novej server, kde tě rádi uvidíme. Jsme přátelská, vcelku malá komunita, se kterou můžeš pokecat prakticky o všem, zahrát si s námi nějaké hry, kouknout na film, či jen tak pokecat ve vc. Budeme rádi za každého nového člena, tak neváhej a napoj se k nám;3
786 Unique fully 3D CrazzyMonkeys NFTs digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. CrazzyMonkeys007 collections with 3 different generations show us their growth, power, intelligence & worth. Stay Tunned you will know more about them like how they come and where also how much they are stronger. CrazzyMonkeys007 is a collection of 9999.
786 Unique fully 3D CrazzyMonkeys NFTs digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. CrazzyMonkeys007 collections with 3 different generations show us their growth, power, intelligence & worth. Stay Tunned you will know more about them like how they come and where also how much they are stronger. CrazzyMonkeys007 is a collection of 9999.
Welcome to The Academy of Digital and Traditional Arts! This server offers a learning experience for all ages and levels of knowledge, with features such as: ❧ Weekly challenge competitions ☙ ❧ Book exchanges for broadening our learning☙ ❧ A server full of helpful artists who strive to build each other up☙ ❧ A section dedicated to adults and adult art only☙ Join us as we all expand our knowledge and learn from one another to become the best artists that we are capable of becoming! This server is brand new and so we are building up our members! Don't leave because it is slow just yet, give it some time :)
Discourse is a space designed to facilitate civil debate and discussion. Welcoming a wide range of political views pertaining to any ideology, tradition, religion, and philosophy, we seek to create an atmosphere of engagement. Do not hesitate to come and acclimate yourself in the spirit of discussion. ? philosophy ? politics ⌛ economics ✝️ religon ? debates