Hear he hear he, it is with great pleasure for me to announce that their majesty and staff have invited you to Safe Kingdom. Here in Safe Kingdom upon arrival you will pledge your loyalty to their highness and enjoy not only the safety of one another but as well as… •Level 2 boost •Events •Kingdom theme •Vc/movie nights/game nights •Bots •Support system https://discord.gg/fWFrZt9TEc
DeadByDaylight Polska - Polski discord nalezacy do strony discordbydaylight.pl Nasze portale na których się udzielamy to : facebook (https://www.facebook.com/PLDBD) tiktok (https://www.tiktok.com/@deadbydaylightpolska) discord (https://discord.gg/dbdpl)
Ignition Writing Group (IWG) is a new Discord server dedicated to the advancement of writing skills. You will be responsible for submitting at least one piece per month to your group as well as critiquing the work of your peers. This community is looking for serious yet friendly members. All experience levels are welcome here. Don't be shy. Come join us and ignite that flame!!
This is a server about Anti-Scam, we work toward reaching a goal of eliminating scam servers. We feel bad for those who have lost to scam servers. So, we have decided to create a bot that can help in scam servers hunting and moderate server(private bot). We are advertising our server here not to gain member counts, but to invite talented and motivated user to come and help with this nonprofitable cause. Other than that, we also tries to create this server a learning server where people can lear
Charming City is a Discord server where you can just relax and chat with other people! Tons of personalities, fun stuff and some bots to have fun with! You can also chat about anime, video games, and art! Join this server and experience the charming time
In this server you will meet new minecraft YouTubers make them friends and play Minecraft with them this server have cool bots like Trivia bot dank memer idle miner groovy rythm etc join now and enjoy and you can advertise your channel discord setver etc
?A simply, fresh, yet modern Discord Server made by love for our Movie Fans! ✅General Chat ✅ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ CHAT ✅Friendly Staff and members ✅FREE Movie Streaming ✅Lots of Roles ✅FREE Promotion ✅Memes 'n Media ✅Bots ------------------------------------------ Team Up: ▶Netflix ▶Amazon Prime Video ▶Hulu ▶Disney+ ▶HBO Max ▶Apple TV+ ▶Youtube TV In which team are you?