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Core SMP
Core SMP is a 1.17 Roleplay Minecraft SMP. Where there is a massive twist which is "Tag" how the tag gets passed around the different players during different sections of the lore. Another thing is we are hosting movie nights a lot some of the ones we have done is: Batman and Shrek. Plus lots of ways to enjoy your self by creating content on any platform or meeting new friends whatever you enjoy!

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Core SMP is a 1.17 Roleplay Minecraft SMP. Where there is a massive twist which is "Tag" how the tag gets passed around the different players during different sections of the lore. Another thing is we are hosting movie nights a lot some of the ones we have done is: Batman and Shrek. Plus lots of ways to enjoy your self by creating content on any platform or meeting new friends whatever you enjoy!

last bump - more than one week ago
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