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Why join? Well, yes you should join! Differences between people are vast and great... And I have pretty much run out of any ideas. You see, this server basically contains different channels with topics such as pol, fit, anime and so on. If you like the idea of joining a server like that, then why not give it a go? I bet many will be kind enough to even call you the special word!

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Why join? Well, yes you should join! Differences between people are vast and great... And I have pretty much run out of any ideas.
You see, this server basically contains different channels with topics such as pol, fit, anime and so on. If you like the idea of joining a server like that, then why not give it a go? I bet many will be kind enough to even call you the special word!

last bump - more than one week ago
Emojis & Info
basedsoibois Bloshed verysad dazreit Iwillagreetodisagree bap waaaa feelsgroovy lel wew topkek 470487462741934128 ahahae noted OK_weirded_out araragi EZ tsscy Darkstare 379422423206068245 ty displeased IMG_20190429_210310 pepeOK monkaHmm PepeYikes lewd peepoPANTIES hattip PepeHands monkaS peepoban FeelsBanMan blushedpepe peepohappy PepeKMS
Server created: 2019-11-05
Discord Region: EUROPE


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