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Welcome, traveller, to the world of Alagasea. Our territory is quite extensive, so do feel free to refer to our #map so that you do not get lost. A variety of diverse species inhabit Alagasea and while a majority of their our vicinages posses a benign equanimity, there exists a number of them that are exhibit rather....mischievous behavior at times, to speak euphemistically. Under the pretense that you discover an affinity for one of Alagasea’s kingdoms, we request that you proclaim your loyalty to your preferred land of residence in #role-play-roles. And do ensure that you read our #rules. A shame it would be to have such a fresh face banished so soon. Should you have any salient inquiries or concerns, please do not dither to ping one of our erudite @King or @Queen. Do forgive us if we are unable to tend to you promptly...our royal duties occupy a copious amount of our time. As for now, however, best wishes and please, do enjoy your stay~

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Welcome, traveller, to the world of Alagasea. Our territory is quite extensive, so do feel free to refer to our #map so that you do not get lost. A variety of diverse species inhabit Alagasea and while a majority of their our vicinages posses a benign equanimity, there exists a number of them that are exhibit rather....mischievous behavior at times, to speak euphemistically. Under the pretense that you discover an affinity for one of Alagasea’s kingdoms, we request that you proclaim your loyalty to your preferred land of residence in #role-play-roles. And do ensure that you read our #rules. A shame it would be to have such a fresh face banished so soon. Should you have any salient inquiries or concerns, please do not dither to ping one of our erudite @King or @Queen. Do forgive us if we are unable to tend to you promptly...our royal duties occupy a copious amount of our time. As for now, however, best wishes and please, do enjoy your stay~

last bump - more than one week ago
Emojis & Info
44491full 1317098 Usethis_0fdc38fd4461904240b345e6 QnSXjqkThyrDBWipPirJhN1QISIWhh_3 d0bb490ac2bdcfb97ec884decb9e73c1 JotaroSweat 82goldtransparent 2356_Ricardo_flick 5894_chug_my_jug 3137_ugotthat 3142_duane 3562_crab_rave 5519_angerypingcircle 7136_Gato_colorido punkass excusemyfuckery youbettercut lust thighs
Server created: 2019-04-28
Discord Region: US-CENTRAL


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