Set in an original, Dark Fantasy Apocalypse inspired by Darkest Dungeon, HP Lovecraft, the Souls Series and More, come explore the ruined world of Kailin, 17 years after an apocalypse wiped this once prosperous kingdom out.
?N♠P? cross-playing server for all phones, pc, switch, Xbox, PlayStation ... we offer many topics, including help .. we have many categories and channels, be yourself and make own content in members section or write add links or mems in channels... we have lots of games to choose from cod, borderlands, fable, finalfantasy, darksouls, dragonstogmia ,elder scrolls online, doom Minecraft, ark, gta, and lots more games.. other sections...imvu, avakin ROBLOX, Pokémon, phone games, VR game
Amantes de games(precisamente de RPGs), jogadores da serie Souls. Aqui temos varios memes, chat de estudos, jogos em geral. Seja Bem vindo meu consagrado!