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Dive into a world where words weave magic, stories transcend time, and characters come to life. Prose & Cons is a dedicated writing Discord server designed to support writers of all levels, from aspiring wordsmiths to published authors. Whether you're penning your first poem or finishing your latest novel, our community is here to cheer you on every step of the way.
VPSVAULT.HOST oferece hospedagem premium para servidores de Minecraft e outros jogos. Com opções de VPS, hospedagem compartilhada e servidores dedicados, garantimos desempenho excepcional e suporte 24/7. Junte-se a nós para uma experiência de jogo sem interrupções e uma comunidade confiável.
so, you wanna join an art discord? the art dump is a place where we gather to draw together... well, sort of. picture this: a bunch of artists, all in a voice call, streaming their work, trying to draw while chatting about everything under the sun. whether you're a picasso in the making or can barely draw a stick figure, we're here to share our "masterpieces" and have a laugh. we've even got off-topic channels where we pretend we're not procrastinating. so, if you're up for some chaotic creativi
LE serveur qui t'emmène au bout de l'univers toi, tes potes, ton chat, ton PC et la perspective de fun pendant l'voyage. Si tu as plus de 25 ans, que t'en as marre de jouer solo avec des randoms que tu ne reverras jamais et que tu aimerais trouver des bros avec qui enchainer les parties le soirs, viens faire un tour à bord de l'Odyssée. Il fait chaud, il y a de la lumière et un garde manger suffisamment grand pour dériver dans l'espace pendant des années.