```"Le meilleur des mondes" est un serveur visant à réunir un maximum de personnes. Ayant pour objectif la discussion sur tout et rien, les arrivants obtiendront leur premier rôle "Gamma" auquel ils auront la possibilité de monter en niveau et donc en grade (Alpha, Beta, etc..) ;``` ```Des bots extraordinaires ! ;``` ```Des débats sont planifiés, organisés et structurés ;``` ```La liberté d'expression est des plus totales ;``` ```Un salon NSFW est à disposition ;``` ```Une catégorie exclusivement réservé au jeu d'échecs, ou des tournois avec des récompenses à gagner sont disponibles ;``` ```La possibilité d'y partager sa publicité pour son serveur ;``` ```Des jeux tels que "action ou vérité" sont organisés! ;``` ```Pour les croyants, la possibilité de partager sa foi avec les autres membres ;``` ```Une sécurité des plus totales grace au bot Raidprotect!```
AdvBoost Offers Professional Vertigo Boosting in CS:GO Every Match is played vs our own accouns with Global Elite And there is no way to get matched with other players than our accounts We don't need to login on your account, so your skins and account is safe You join our lobby from your computer and we boost you untill you reach desired rank Every Match is won 16:0 and played versus our bots in our lobby Fastest match can be done in 8 minutes, which makes single day road to global possibl
Do you play brawl stars? If you do, then check out our server! We have a dedicated community who actively plays brawl stars, and are welcoming to new players. Join the server to get tips, discuss strategies and team comps, find teammates and friends, and just hang out! We have a unique role system based on your trophy level in game, and friendly staff willing to help you. If you need someone to play with or just want to chat about brawl stars, this is the server for you!
**〖 18+ LITERATE RP SERVER 〗** In this dating series that uses modern technology to help people find love, 18-plus single men and women try to find their perfect mates. Anyone can go home with anyone. All genders and sexualities are accepted. If all of the singles are able to match up with partners, they share 1 million dollars and walk away with a potential partner for life. ——— ✦ ——— __**Are You The One? is a matchmaking/dating rp based on the MTV show and the Bachelor.**__ ???? ?? ?????: ⇛ literate roleplay that supports a well-developed story arcs and complex character development ⇛ supportive, helpful staff who are often around and eager to help out ⇛ a friendly, encouraging community ⇛ all species are allowed ⇛ activity checks ⇛ challenges and events ⇛ LGBT+ friendly, with options for a variety of gender idenities, sexualities and romantic orientations ⇛ lurker roles for anyone just wanting to hang and talk :) ——— ✦ ——— **?Come one, come all! Meet your match today!?** ——— ✦ ———
A completely SFW server, made for rping as dragons, or other humanoid fantasy races! Currently very small, admittedly. Very open-world, and you can play how you want whether its completely peacefully or constant battling!
Elkir est une association loi 1901 qui a pour but d’accompagner à la création et la concrétisation d’un projet, via des solutions et des services, et tout objets similaires, connexes ou complémentaires ou susceptibles d’en favoriser la réalisation ou le développement.
Ce serveur est un grand casino comptant des mini jeux ! ?? Vous pourrez pariez de la vrai argents et de la fausse (bot). ?? passez un bon moment parmis nous ?✨