This server is an NSFW server where you can share or request all types of NSFW Pictures, videos, gifs, or NSFW art that you have created! Whether its from anime, games you like (fortnite, league, overwatch, etc.) and discuss things that are generally NSFW aswell with hopefully a community that will grow and always have a place to post what they want and discuss what they want! This is a place for people who enjoy sharing pictures or gifs with others!
Venham meus amigos, um grupo com um nome genérico de uma página genérica do facebook. Nessa terra você verá de tudo, games, memes, shitpost, musica, eventos e etc. Venha se juntar a essa p*taria frenética
- Share experiences traveling around the world and current experiences living abroad - Share previous YouTube experiences with over 180,000 subs and 50,000,000+ views - We have BIG and SMALL Streamers, Gamer Girls, Gamers, and Many More Here: Strong Possibility For Collabs - Giveaways - Gaming - Community - Support - Levels - Roles - Promotions - Anime & Cosplay - Streamers - Friends - Collabs -Social - Chat - Memes - Art - Chill
A place to game, socialize and meet new people. You assign yourself the roles you want. - No Annoying @everyone tags - Decent Memes - Free Game Announcements - Great Community
———————~~##~~——————— The Basement is a server for aesthetic art enthusiasts, basement-dwellers, and introverts. Come on in, get comfy, and mind the robots. ——————~~##~~———————— What we have to offer: Open staff applications Free, custom roles A wide variety of text channels for everything you could ever ask for Voice channels for anything you could ask for, and more Friendly for all ages An approachable staff team Fun bots