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Dreamy Days
୨୧ Dreamy Days ୨୧ is a server i created for people who want a drama free, fun place to hang out and make friends. we have plenty of bots and are always willing to add more and take suggestions from members on what else to add to the server for more fun and interesting things for people to do in the community~ the server is small but we welcome everyone and keep drama at the door, we have a few rules just as common courtesy, but not enough to ruin the fun for people!

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୨୧ Dreamy Days ୨୧ is a server i created for people who want a drama free, fun place to hang out and make friends. we have plenty of bots and are always willing to add more and take suggestions from members on what else to add to the server for more fun and interesting things for people to do in the community~
the server is small but we welcome everyone and keep drama at the door, we have a few rules just as common courtesy, but not enough to ruin the fun for people!

last bump - more than one week ago
Emojis & Info
Can't show additional information & stats, because the server has not added our bot yet.


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